vitajuwel bottle

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vitajuwel bottle to put it more simply, by using quartz crystals, Dr Emoto revitalized bottled and tap water, he claims. It had it regaining its natural and original energy, so it made it become alive again. Consuming this gem water is very beneficial for the body, according to him. VitaJuwel found out about Dr Emoto’s discovery and offered him a partnership so that together, they could help people have access to living water so that they can be healthier and achieve a new state of wellness. VitaJuwel bottles not only have a very elegant design, but they also contain the quartz crystals that presumably revive the water stored in them.

Here are some of the health benefits that as per Dr Emoto says, are provided by the VitaJuwel Wellness bottles:

  • Being able to keep a normal weight
  • Supporting the immune system
  • Increasing energy levels and the overall health
  • Giving the feeling of youthfulness
  • Improving the memory

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